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Endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy, involves treating the inside of a tooth by removing the pulp.

Endodontic treatment

Endodontic treatment is a dental procedure designed to treat the inside of the tooth, removing infected, damaged or dead dental pulp.

The procedure involves cleaning, shaping and filling the root canal space to prevent infection and restore tooth function.

Definition :

First, a local anaesthetic is administered to ensure patient comfort, and any pulp that may be infected or damaged is meticulously removed. The root canals are then carefully cleaned and disinfected to eliminate any traces of infection. Finally, the canals are sealed with a filling material to prevent re-infection.

This process aims to save the tooth by eliminating the source of infection and preserving its functional structure.


Root canal treatment generally takes place in several stages, during which the root canals are carefully cleaned, disinfected and finally obturated. The duration of this process depends on various factors such as the degree of inflammation, the number of root canals, etc.

The use of modern tools such as magnifying glasses and electronic root length measurement significantly increases the chances of successful root canal treatment.

Treatment steps include:

1. Access to the root canals to remove infected pulp, clean and disinfect the canals down to the root tip. 2. Insertion of medication and temporary tooth closure. 3. Repeat cleaning and application of medication until tooth is symptom-free (variable number of appointments). 4. Root filling. 5. If necessary, placement of a dental crown to stabilize the tooth. 6. In the event of re-inflammation, possible root tip resection.

Duration of the intervention: 

Between €300 and €500

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