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Root planing, an approach dedicated to periodontal health, removes tartar from the roots for revitalized gums.

Root planing

Root planing is the fundamental pillar of periodontics, designed to clean the tooth surfaces above and below the gums. This treatment can be carried out as a first step or as part of periodontal maintenance, ensuring long-term follow-up. It removes tartar and bacteria from tooth roots and smoothes the surface, promoting a healthy mouth and revitalized gums.

Definition :

Root planing treatment usually begins with a periodontal assessment to evaluate the progress of periodontal disease. During this assessment, the dentist examines the condition of the gums, measures the depth of periodontal pockets, assesses the presence of bleeding and tartar, and considers other clinical signs.

During the session, the periodontist performs a thorough cleaning of the tooth roots to remove tartar, plaque and bacteria, smooth the root surface and encourage re-adhesion of the gum tissue. This procedure is performed with the prior administration of a local anaesthetic, ensuring patient comfort during treatment.

Afterwards, a follow-up visit is scheduled to assess the gingival tissue's response to the procedure.

The whole process is designed to restore gum health and prevent the progression of periodontal disease.


Surfacing usually involves two appointments, depending on the number of areas to be treated. In the course of treatment, the number of sessions can be adjusted, as the amount of subgingival calculus is difficult to assess initially, and can only be determined by guided palpation of the instruments under the gum.

On average, each appointment lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

Duration of the intervention: 


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