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Inlays/Onlays are ceramic parts that replace moderate to large losses of tooth substance.

Ceramic Inlay/Onlay

Inlays/onlays are dental prostheses used to restore tooth anatomy, filling a cavity usually caused by decay.

The main difference between an inlay and an onlay lies in the area of the tooth to be restored. An inlay is used to repair an internal part of the tooth, while an onlay covers both the upper surface and the sides of the tooth.

Definition :

The dental inlay/onlay procedure involves several stages. Initially, the tooth is prepared by removing the soft tissue, creating the space required for the inlay. A precise impression is then taken for custom fabrication of the piece in the laboratory. During this period, a temporary filling can be placed on the prepared tooth until the final inlay/onlay is ready. When the final inlay/onlay is ready, it is attached to the prepared tooth using adhesive dental cements, ensuring its precise fit and stability.


The placement of a dental inlay/onlay usually involves 2 appointments. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared and an impression is taken for custom fabrication. During the second visit, a few days later, the permanent inlay is fixed to the tooth after being designed in the laboratory.

On average, each appointment lasts between 30 minutes and an hour.

Duration of the intervention: 

Between €550 and €650

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